Logo Creation Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will be explaining how I created my logo.

Tutorial image 1

1. First, choose a font that fits the theme of your logo. In my case, I chose a free and open-source font called "Caveat Brush", which is available from Google Fonts.

Tutorial image 2

2. Next, I add another font for the subtitle. I chose a sans-serif font called "Montserrat", also available from Google Fonts.

Tutorial image 3

3. I edited the tittle of the i to resemble a paw print, so that it matches the theme of my logo. This can be drawn by brush tool or by vector.

Tutorial image 4

4. Underneath the text layer, create a new folder and draw a rectangle using the shape tool.

Tutorial image 5

5. Next, draw an oval over the rectangle using the circle tool. Merge these two layers.

Tutorial image 6

6. Right-click on the layer and select layer styles. Using the following settings, create an outline around the image.

Tutorial image 7

7. This will be the result so far. If you are using Krita, place this layer in a folder and select layer styles for the folder. If you are using another program, simply right-click on the layer and select layer styles again.

Tutorial image 8

8. Add another stroke to the image using the following settings. This will give a much thicker stroke around the existing image.

Tutorial image 9

9. Repeat step 7, but this time using the settings in step 6. If using Krita, you will need to create a folder to add another stroke to the layer styles.

Tutorial image 10

10. This will be the result, and your logo so far. In part 2 of this tutorial, I will explain how I choose colours for logos and show how I draw mascots.